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CAD-KAS Shareware Downloads

ZDNet über Poster-Drucker / ZDNet about Poster-Printery

Poster-Printery lets you turn image files into large posters (up to 600 square meters). This impressive application is easy to use, well documented, and produces quality results. You can load an image file or access your scanner to provide the initial input. A tabbed interface is available for you to access the simple steps involved. You can modify the graphic by adjusting the brightness and contrast; cut out a piece to print; and flip, rotate, or mirror the original. You can also apply a variety of effects and even load the image in an integrated drawing program to apply more-personal edits. You can then determine the paper size and margins you want to work with. A print-preview area allows you to adjust the size of the output and clearly visualize the number of pages it will take to create the poster.

Program Pros
* Easy to use
* Quality results
* Image editor
* Highly configurable

Program Cons
* None

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